6/30/2023 | Friday PM | The Spirit And The Bride Say Come - Bro Bellomo Sr | Put On Charity Which Is The Bond Of Perfectness - 7/1/1994 | Penn Harris | | Bro Coleman |  |
7/1/2023 | Saturday AM | | When The Son Of Man Cometh What Shall He Find | Penn Harris | Testimony - Bro Raymond Thompson | Bro Jonathan Coleman |  |
7/1/2023 | Saturday PM | | The Charity Harvest Rain Is Come, The Seed Is Ripe, Reap In Joy | Penn Harris | | Bro Bellomo Sr |  |
7/1/2023 | Saturday PM | | Testimony | Penn Harris | | Bro Damaso Riquelme |  |
7/2/2023 | Sunday AM | comments - Bro Bellomo Sr | The Word Bride Harnessed To The Word Is A Tool In The Master's Hand | Penn Harris | Testimony - Bro Didier Rakotobe | Bro Ben Achut |  |
7/2/2023 | Sunday PM | comments - Bro Bellomo Sr | The Lord Of The Harvest | Penn Harris | Testimony - Bro Robledo | Bro Nkansah |  |
7/3/2023 | Monday | comments - Bro Bellomo Sr | | Penn Harris | | 1. Bro Jason Quartey, And Bro Vincent Aka |  |